dec 10
nov 10
nov 08
nov 06
Parker stripsnaked,putshis clothes inalocker, and wrapsawhitebathtowelblanketaround his waist. Big-cockedCyrusBrooks likestheguyandteamsupwithDerek,whileCJtoursthe halls, eager foralltheeroticadventuresthefamousspahastooffer. Afaintlyflickering neon sign catches Parker’s eye.
Derekand Silas sit, stroking theirpulsating,porn-star-sized cocks,andCJcan’tbelievehiseyesandhisluckashefocusesonthefantasyfeast. The sultry scenario swirlshis sensesandheisovercomewithprimallust,desireand hunger.Thecarnal instinct tocravecock takesoverandhebecomesaravenous,sluttywhore.
He takes his rightful placeamongthe hot,hungmenandbeginsto serve them.Thisbeautifulboy bobs his handsome head on eachofthemen’s diamond-hardpenises,slurpingthem down untiltheirsalivaglistenstoperfectionCJ isdrenchedinsweat,intense,andglisteningwith pride. He is a good boy on a mission to serve,toswallow,tofillthehot, horny boy’shole withhishardthrobbingpenis. Brooksand Shawhandletheir toy-sized twinkwith care, making surethatboth his holes arefull offucking,intoxicatedwithpenisand always begging for more.
The youngstudbringstheslutto the top ineverywaypossible. The club’s eroticfacilitiesare put to good usewhenapairofcockslingerssettheslut in the house sling.Shawand Brooks take turns beating that beautifulassholewith their big,burlybonesasthe sex slingshakes and shakes. The titanium tops tag-teamhimuntilhe can’t takeitanymore, then flood himwithfuck creamuntilhedripsandiscoveredinsweet, deliciousmalesalivaand his own dirtydesires.
Sticky,satisfied,allfantasiesfulfilled, the fuck stars surrender their secrets to thelasciviousloreofthecavernoushalls ofthisbathhouse.
nov 06
nov 05
nov 03
nov 02
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